Oct 05, 2024  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Interdisciplinary Studies, B.I.S.

Location(s): Statesboro, Armstrong-Savannah, Liberty, Fully Online

The Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) program at Georgia Southern University delivers a core curriculum with the freedom to choose from a variety of concentration areas from across the University. This multidisciplinary degree is tailored to students interested in completing their degree by creating a degree program best suited for their career or educational goals. 

While the Interdisciplinary Studies degree allows for study in several areas, it is organized to provide an academically sound program with carefully planned concentrations. The student who earns this degree will have achieved a broad-based education in a fully accredited program.

Degree Requirements: 124 Credit Hours

See Core IMPACTS  for required courses in Core IMPACTS and Additional Course Requirements.

General Requirements (Core IMPACTS): 42 Credit Hours

Additional GSU Requirements: 4 Credit Hours

Courses Appropriate to Major (Field of Study): 9 Credit Hours

Select 9 additional credit hours of courses appropriate to concentration and minor programs of study or as approved by the Academic Advisor.

Consult specific concentrations and optional minor(s) for Field of Study prerequisite and/or required courses. These would be those courses falling below the 3000- level.  If a concentration requires over 9 hours of 1000- and 2000-level courses, those hours will count towards General Electives.

For concentrations requiring fewer than 9 credit hours of specific Field of Study courses, please choose from the following:

Experiential Learning/ Research Requirement

Students must select at least 3 credit hours from the following:

Concentration Requirements: 21 Credit Hours

For the major, students may select one (1) concentration of 21 upper division credit hours from the list of approved concentrations below.

​​​​​​​Students wishing to study fully online may do so.  Fully online concentrations are indicated by an asterick (*).  Students electing to complete a minor will need to consult the course catalog and choose a minor with an online option.  

General Electives and/or Optional Minors: 34 Credit Hours

Students will select an additional 34 credit hours to complete their B.I.S. degree requirements.  Students may choose to use these hours towards completion of one or two optional minors or an additional concentration to satisfy degree requirements. 

  • Some concentrations may require the use of some General Elective credit hours to satisfy prerequisites.
  • At least 14 credit hours must be taken at the 3000-level or above in order to meet the minimum 39 upper division credit hours required for a baccalauette degree. 
  • Students selecting a minor(s) may not select a minor(s) in their concentration, e.g. if a student’s concentration is in Africana Studies, they may not also minor in Africana Studies.

Total Credit Hours: 124

Approved Concentrations: 21 upper division Credit Hours

Africana Studies Concentration

The Africana Studies Concentration requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours.

Africana Studies Concentration Field of Study Courses

The following course is required as part of this concentration’s Field of Study. 

  • Choose 6 additional credit hours from the comprehensive list of Field of Study courses above.  Students should select courses appropriate to their concentration and/or minor program(s) of study or as approved by their Academic Advisor.  Please review Concentration Elective Courses and minor courses for potential prerequisites, as these should be taken as part of one’s Field of Study courses.

Africana Studies Concentration Elective Courses

Choose 21 credit hours from the following list of courses for which the prerequisites have been met.  If prerequisites exceed 9 credit hours and are not incorporated into Field of Study requirements, they will count towards General Electives.

A list of approved courses is available from the Center for Africana Studies.

Asian Studies Concentration

The Asian Studies Concentration requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours of 3000 level or higher courses with Asian Studies content for which the prerequisites have been met.

Asian Studies Concentration Field of Study Courses

Students are recommended to take 9 credit hours of an Asian Language, JAPN or CHIN, but may choose other lower division courses appropriate to their concentration and/or minor program(s) in place of a language.  (See comprehensive list of Field of Study courses above for options.) 

Asian Studies Concentration Elective Courses

Choose 21 credit hours from the following list of courses for which the prerequisites have been met.  If prerequisites exceed 9 credit hours and are not incorporated into Field of Study requirements, they will count towards General Electives.

Business Concentration *

The concentration in Business requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours.

* This Concentration is available for those students wishing to study FULLY ONLINE

Business Concentration Required Foundational Courses

Choose at least one foundational course from the following list. It is recommended that students choose a course that meets the prerequisite requirement for one or more of their preferred Concentration Elective Courses.  

Coaching Concentration

The Coaching Concentration requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours.

Coaching Concentration Field of Study Courses

Choose 9 additional credit hours from the comprehensive list of Field of Study courses above.  Students should select courses appropriate to their concentration and/or minor program(s) of study or as approved by their Academic Advisor.  Please review Concentration Elective Courses and minor courses for potential prerequisites, as these should be taken as part of one’s Field of Study courses.

Coaching Concentration Elective Courses

Select 15 hours of 3000 level or higher courses from the following list of courses for which the prerequisites have been met. If prerequisites exceed 9 credit hours and are not incorporated into Field of Study requirements, they will count towards General Electives.

Comparative Literature Concentration

The Comparative Literature Concentration requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours.

Comparative Literature Concentration Field of Study Courses

Students are required to have FORL competency through FORL 2002 or FORL 2060 (ARAB, CHIN, FREN, GRMN, JAPN or SPAN).  If fulfilling these requirements requires over 9 credit hours of 1000- and 2000-level courses, those hours will count towards General Electives. 

  • If foreign language requirements are already met, please choose 3 additional credit hours from the comprehensive list of Field of Study courses above.  Students should select courses appropriate to their concentration and/or minor program(s) of study or as approved by their Academic Advisor.  Please review Concentration Elective Courses and minor(s) courses for potential prerequisites, as these should be taken as part of one’s Field of Study courses.

Comparative Literature Concentration Elective Courses

Choose 21 hours of 3000 level of higher courses for which the prerequisites have been met.  

  • A minimum of 12 credit hours must have a COML prefix.
  • A maximum of 9 credit hours may come from the following prefixes: ARAB, CHIN, COML, ENGL, FILE, FORL, FREN, GRMN, HIST, JAPN, PHIL, PSYC, SPAN, THEA, WGSS or other courses related to Comparative Literature as approved by the Academic Advisor.  

If prerequisites exceed 9 credit hours and are not incorporated into Field of Study requirements, they will count towards General Electives.

Culture and Society Concentration

The Culture and Society Concentration requires a total of upper division 21 hours.

Culture and Society Concentration Elective Courses

Choose 21 credit hours from the following list of courses for which the prerequisites have been met.  If prerequisites exceed 9 credit hours and are not incorporated into Field of Study requirements, they will count towards General Electives.

Entrepreneurship Concentration

The Entrepreneurship Concentration requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours.

Entrepreneurship Concentration Field of Study Courses

Choose 9 credit hours from the following list of courses. It is recommended that students choose courses that meet prerequisites for their preferred Concentration Elective Courses.

Entrepreneurship Concentration Elective Courses

Choose 9 credit hours from the following list of courses for which the prerequisites have been met.  If prerequisites exceed 9 credit hours and are not incorporated into Field of Study requirements, they will count towards General Electives.

Environmental Public Health Concentration

The Environmental Public Health Concentration requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours

Environmental Public Health Concentration Field of Study Courses

The following courses are required for this concentration’s Field of Study. 

Environmental Public Health Concentration Required Courses

Choose 2 courses from the following list. It is recommended that students choose courses that meet prerequisites for their preferred Concentration Elective Courses.

Environmental Public Health Concentration Upper Division Required Course

Environmental Studies Concentration

The Environmental Studies Concentration requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours.

Gender and Healthcare Concentration

The Gender and Healthcare Concentration Concentration requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours.

Gender and Healthcare Concentration Field of Study Courses

The following courses are required for this concentration’s Field of Study. 

Gender and Healthcare Concentration Elective Courses

Choose 21 credit hours from the following list of courses for which the prerequisites have been met.  If prerequisites exceed 9 credit hours and are not incorporated into Field of Study requirements, they will count towards General Electives.

Gerontology Concentration

The Gerontology Concentration requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours.

Gerontology Concentration Field of Study Courses

Choose at least one course from the following list of courses. It is recommended that students choose courses that meet prerequisites for their preferred Concentration Elective Courses.

Gerontology Concentration Required Courses

Choose one of the following courses, the remaining course may be taken as a concentration elective.

Global and Community Health Concentration *

The Global and Community Health concentration requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours.

* This Concentration is available for those students wishing to study FULLY ONLINE

Global and Community Health Concentration Field of Study Courses

The following course is required as part of this concentration’s Field of Study. 

  • Choose 6 additional credit hours from the comprehensive list of Field of Study courses above.  Students should select courses appropriate to their concentration and/or minor program(s) of study or as approved by their Academic Advisor.  Please review Concentration Elective Courses and minor courses for potential prerequisites, as these should be taken as part of one’s Field of Study courses.

Hospitality and Tourism Concentration

The Hospitality and Tourism Concentration requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours.

Hospitality and Tourism Concentration Field of Study Courses

Choose at least 6 credit hours from the following list of courses. It is recommended that students choose courses that meet prerequisites for their preferred Concentration Elective Courses.

Humanities Concentration *

The Humanities Concentration requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours. This Concentration is available for those students wishing to study FULLY ONLINE

Humanities Concentration Elective Courses

Choose 21 hours of 3000 level or higher courses for which the prerequisites have been met from at least three of the following disciplines:  ARTH, ARTS, COMM, COMS, ENGL, FILM, HIST, IRSH, MMFP, MMJ, MUSC, PHIL, PRCA, or THEA courses. If prerequisites exceed 9 credit hours and are not incorporated into Field of Study requirements, they will count towards General Electives.

Individualized Concentration *

The Individualized concentration requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours of courses specifically approved by the Academic Advisor.

The Individualized concentration is for students who may be interested in proposing a set of courses, either previously accepted by the University, at the 3000 level or higher, or taking a set of courses, or a combination of the two that can be used as a 21 hour concentration once approved and submitted by an academic advisor for approval to the Associate Dean the Institute for Innovative and Integrated Studies.  The Individualized concentration is not considered available for use towards graduation credit until fully approved. Students in the face to face or fully online BIS program may seek to have the Individualized concentration approved on campuses where their specific, declared BIS major is offered. The student may be required to provide justification for the courses to be included in the Individualized concentration.

* This Concentration is available for those students wishing to study FULLY ONLINE

Individualized Concentration Field of Studies Courses

Choose 9 credit hours from the comprehensive list of Field of Study courses above.  Students should select courses appropriate to their individualized concentration and/or minor program(s) of study or as approved by their Academic Advisor.  Please review upper division elective and minor courses for potential prerequisites, as these should be taken as part of one’s Field of Study courses.

Individualized Concentration Elective Courses

In consultation with your academic advisor, choose 21 credit hours of upper division courses for which the prerequisites have been met.  If prerequisites exceed 9 credit hours and are not incorporated into Field of Study requirements, they will count towards General Electives.

Please note that courses for this concentration must be approved to count towards graduation.

Instructional Technology and Design Concentration *

The Instructional Technology and Design Concentration requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours.

* This Concentration is available for those students wishing to study FULLY ONLINE

Instructional Technology and Design Concentration Field of Study Courses

The following courses are required as part of this concentration’s Field of Study. 

International Studies Concentration

The International Studies Concentration requires a total of 21 upper division upper division credit hours.

International Studies Concentration Field of Study Courses

  • or

  • If foreign language requirements are already met, please choose 3 additional credit hours from the comprehensive list of Field of Study courses above.  Students should select courses appropriate to their concentration and/or minor program(s) of study or as approved by their Academic Advisor.  Please review Concentration Elective Courses and minor courses for potential prerequisites, as these should be taken as part of one’s Field of Study courses.

  • 3 credit hours of 1000 - 2000 level foreign language credits to meet upper division prerequisites 

International Studies Concentration Elective Courses

Choose 15 credit hours from the following list of courses for which the prerequisites have been met.  If prerequisites exceed 9 credit hours and are not incorporated into Field of Study requirements, they will count towards General Electives.

Irish Studies Concentration *

The interdisciplinary concentration in Irish Studies requires 21 upper division credit hours of courses with full or significant Irish and/or Irish-diaspora content.

* This Concentration is available for those students wishing to study FULLY ONLINE

Latin American Studies Concentration *

The Latin American Studies Concentration requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours.

* This Concentration is available for those students wishing to study FULLY ONLINE

Latin American Studies Concentration Field of Study Courses

Students are required to have SPAN competency through SPAN 2002 or SPAN 2060.  If fulfilling these requirements requires over 9 hours of 1000- and 2000-level courses, those hours will count towards General Electives. 

If foreign language requirements are already met, please choose 9 credit hours from the comprehensive list of Field of Study courses above.  Students should select courses appropriate to their concentration and/or minor program(s) of study or as approved by their Academic Advisor.  Please review Concentration Elective Courses and minor courses for potential prerequisites, as these should be taken as part of one’s Field of Study courses.

Latin American Studies Concentration Elective Courses

Choose 21 hours of 3000 level of higher courses for which the prerequisites have been met.  

  • A minimum of 6 credit hours must have a LAST prefix.
  • A minimum of 6 credit hours must have a SPAN prefix. 

If prerequisites exceed 9 credit hours and are not incorporated into Field of Study requirements, they will count towards General Electives.

Human Life Sciences Concentration

The Human Life Sciences Concentration requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours.

Human Life Sciences Concentration Field of Study Courses

Choose 9 credit hours from the following list of courses. It is recommended that students choose courses that meet prerequisites for their preferred Concentration Elective Courses.

Human Life Sciences Concentration Elective Courses

Choose 21 credit hours from the following list of courses for which the prerequisites have been met.  If prerequisites exceed 9 credit hours and are not incorporated into Field of Study requirements, they will count towards General Electives.

Nonprofit Management Concentration *

The concentration in Nonprofit Management requires a total of 18 credit hours. 

* This Concentration is available for those students wishing to study FULLY ONLINE

Nonprofit Management Concentration Field of Study Courses

Physical and Mathematical Sciences Concentration

The Physical and Mathematical Concentration requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours.

Physical and Mathematical Sciences Concentration lower division courses

Please select all courses necessary to fulfill prerequisites for one’s chosen Concentration Elective Courses.  These credit hours will count towards General Electives.

Physical and Mathematical Sciences Concentration Elective Courses

Choose 21 credit hours of 3000 level or higher courses for which the prerequisites have been met from ASTR, CHEM, GEOG, GEOL, MATH, or PHYS. If prerequisites exceed 9 credit hours and are not incorporated into Field of Study requirements, they will count towards General Electives.

Public Administration Concentration *

The Public Administration Concentration requires a total of 21 credit hours.

* This Concentration is available for those students wishing to study FULLY ONLINE

Public Administration Concentration Field of Study Courses

Public Policy Concentration *

The concentration in Public Policy requires a total of 21 credit hours. 

* This Concentration is available for those students wishing to study FULLY ONLINE

Public Policy Concentration Field of Study Courses

  • Choose 6 additional credit hours from the comprehensive list of Field of Study courses above.  Students should select courses appropriate to their concentration and/or minor program(s) of study or as approved by their Academic Advisor.  Please review Concentration Elective Courses and minor courses for potential prerequisites, as these should be taken as part of one’s Field of Study courses.

Religious Studies Concentration

The Religious Studies Concentration requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours.

Religious Studies Concentration Elective Courses

Choose 21 credit hours from the following list of courses for which the prerequisites have been met.  If prerequisites exceed 9 credit hours and are not incorporated into Field of Study requirements, they will count towards General Electives.

Social and Behavorial Sciences Concentration *

The Social and Behavorial Sciences Concentration requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours.

Social and Behavorial Sciences Concentration Elective Courses

Choose 21 hours of 3000 level or higher courses for which the prerequisites have been met from ANTH, CRJU, HDFS, POLS, PSYC, or SOCI. If prerequisites exceed 9 credit hours and are not incorporated into Field of Study requirements, they will count towards General Electives.

Sports and Recreation Management Concentration

The Sports and Recreation Management Concentration requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours.

Sports and Recreation Management Concentration Required Course

This course will counts towards General Electives.

Sports and Recreation Management Concentration Elective Courses

Choose 21 credit hours from the following list of courses for which the prerequisites have been met.  If prerequisites exceed 9 credit hours and are not incorporated into Field of Study requirements, they will count towards General Electives.

Sustainability Concentration

The Sustainability Concentration requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours.

Sustainability Concentration Elective Courses

Choose 21 credit hours from the following list of courses for which the prerequisites have been met. Students must choose at least two courses taught within the College of Science & Mathematics. If prerequisites exceed 9 credit hours and are not incorporated into Field of Study requirements, they will count towards General Electives.

Teaching Content Area *

This concentration is designed for students who wish to pursue an MAT degree after completion of their BIS to become a certified teacher.  Undergraduate students not planning to complete an MAT but who wish to use College of Education courses in their BIS degree should choose an individual emphasis as their concentration.

* This Concentration is available for those students wishing to study FULLY ONLINE with careful course selection and collaboration with the Academic Advisor.

Teaching Content Area Field of Study Courses

Choose 9 credit hours from the comprehensive list of Field of Study courses above.  Students should select courses appropriate to their concentration and/or minor program(s) of study or as approved by their Academic Advisor.  Please review Concentration Elective Courses and minor courses for potential prerequisites, as these should be taken as part of one’s Field of Study courses.

Teaching Content Area Elective Courses

Choose 21 credit hours of upper division courses for which the prerequisites have been met. 

  • For Middle Grades Education, at least 15 credit hours MUST BE in a SINGLE teaching content area listed below as approved by your academic advisor.
    • Middle Grades Language Arts - ENGL, READ
    • Middle Grades Social Studies  ECON, GEOG, HIST, POLS
    • Remaining hours for Middle Grades may be 3000 level or higher courses for which the prerequisites have been met from the following: EDUC, EDUF, EDUR, ESED, MGED, MSED, READ, SPED, ITEC, HDFS or second content area courses approved by the advisor. 
  • For Secondary Education, at least 21 credit hours MUST BE in a SINGLE teaching content area list below as approved by your academic advisor.
    • Secondary English - ENGL 
    • Secondary History - HIST

If prerequisites exceed 9 credit hours and are not incorporated into Field of Study requirements, they will count towards General Electives.

Teaching Content Area BIS to MAT in Special Education ABM pathway *

This concentration is designed for students who wish to pursue an accelerated MAT degree in Special Education after completion of their BIS to become a certified teacher.  Undergraduate students not planning to complete an MAT but who wish to use College of Education courses in their BIS degree should choose an individual emphasis as their concentration.

* This Concentration is available for those students wishing to study FULLY ONLINE with careful course selection and collaboration with the Academic Advisor.

BIS to MAT in Special Education Field of Study Courses

Choose 9 credit hours from the comprehensive list of Field of Study courses above.  Students should select courses appropriate to their concentration and/or minor program(s) of study or as approved by their Academic Advisor.  Please review Concentration Elective Courses and minor courses for potential prerequisites, as these should be taken as part of one’s Field of Study courses.

BIS to MAT in Special Education Upper Division Required Courses

Students in the BIS Accelerated Bachelor’s to Masters in Teaching Special Education Pathway MUST complete the following graduate-level courses [which may be in the required concentrations or as electives] in order to complete the pathway and be eligible to apply for an accelerated Bachelors to Masters in Teaching Special Education pathway: These courses [9 credit hours total] may count in both the MAT and the BIS once a student has been accepted into the MAT program during their junior year.  Consult with Graduate Admissions for more information.

BIS to MAT in Special Education Concentration Elective Courses

Choose 21 credit hours of upper division courses for which the prerequisites have been met. 

  • For Middle Grades Education, at least 15 credit hours MUST BE in a SINGLE teaching content area listed below as approved by your academic advisor.
    • Middle Grades Language Arts - ENGL, READ
    • Middle Grades Social Studies  ECON, GEOG, HIST, POLS
    • Remaining hours for Middle Grades may be 3000 level or higher courses for which the prerequisites have been met from the following: EDUC, EDUF, EDUR, ESED, MGED, MSED, READ, SPED, ITEC, HDFS or second content area courses approved by the advisor. 
  • For Secondary Education, at least 21 credit hours MUST BE in a SINGLE teaching content area list below as approved by your academic advisor.
    • Secondary English - ENGL 
    • Secondary History - HIST

If prerequisites exceed 9 credit hours and are not incorporated into Field of Study requirements, they will count towards General Electives.

Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Concentration

The Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Concentration requires a total of 21 upper division credit hours.

Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Concentration Field of Study Courses

Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Concentration Elective Courses

Choose 21 credit hours from the following list of courses for which the prerequisites have been met.  If prerequisites exceed 9 credit hours and are not incorporated into Field of Study requirements, they will count towards General Electives.


Undergraduate Academic Advisement at Georgia Southern is provided to all degree-seeking undergraduate students by professional advisors. Academic Advisors are located on all three Georgia Southern University campuses. Students are required to meet with their assigned Academic Advisor at least once a semester. For more information visit the Academic Advisement  catalog page.