2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
    Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Supply Chain Management B.B.A

Location(s): Statesboro, Armstrong-Savannah

With concentrations in both Operations and Supply Management (OSM) as well as Logistics and Intermodal Transportation (LIT), the B.B.A. in Supply Chain Management prepares students to efficeintly and effectively manage the flows of products, services, information, and capital within and between firms. Course content is well-aligned with faculty expertise and Gartner Research Group’s Supply Chain Talent Attribute Model, which is valued by hiring companies in logistics, manufacturing and service industries. Majors in SCM also may earn certification credentials embedded within our programs.

Degree Requirements: 124 Credit Hours

See Core IMPACTS  for required courses in Core IMPACTS and Additional Courses Required.

General Requirements (Core IMPACTS): 42 Credit Hours

Additional Requirements: 4 Credit Hours

Areas of Concentration: 18 Credit Hours

Students must select an area of concentration from either Logistics and intermodal Transportation (LIT) or Operation and Suppy Management (OMS).  See below for requirements.

Electives: 6-12 Credit Hours

Select 6 credit hours of Electives (should be chosen in consultation with the student’s advisor) unless ECON 2105  and/or MATH 1232  are used to meet requirements in Core IMPACTS in which case students will take up to 12 credit hours of Electives

Total Credit Hours: 124

Areas of Concentration

Operations and Supply Management (OMS): 18 Credit Hours

The OSM concentration prepares students for a variety of positions in both manufacturing and service supply chains by facilitating knowledge of sourcing and operations management along with skills to analyze and improve supply chain performance. Courses seek to develop critical thinking skills and opportunities to apply these skills in operations strategy, demand and supply planning, service operations, lean six sigma and continuous improvement, strategic sourcing and negotiations, inventory management, global supply networks, and supply chain analytics.

Logistics and Intermodal Transportation (LIT): 18 Credit Hours

Intermodal transportation is the movement of product throughout supply chains by more than one mode of transportation to maximize service levels and minimize costs. The BBA in Supply Chain Management (SCM) - Logistics and Intermodal Transportation (LIT) concentration area begins with a focus on transportation and supply chain concepts and principles and builds into the advanced study of logistics operations, international logistics and intermodal distribution management.


Undergraduate Academic Advisement at Georgia Southern is provided to all degree-seeking undergraduate students by professional advisors. Academic Advisors are located on all three Georgia Southern University campuses. Students are required to meet with their assigned Academic Advisor at least once a semester. For more information visit the Academic Advisement  catalog page.