Non-Degree Requirements: 15-32 Credit Hours
The program below is provided for informational purposes to explain the U.S. Army expectations of cadets in the Reserve Officer Training Program. Cadets in this program must actually select one of the many major programs offered at Georgia Southern University (Cadets will complete the Minor in Military Science while meeting the requirements of the training program below). U. S. Army Reserve Officer Training Program Overview The Department of Military Science is a Senior Division Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Instructor Group staffed by Army personnel. The department provides a curriculum that qualifies the college graduate for a commission as an officer in the U. S. Army, U. S. Army Reserve or the Army National Guard. Enrollment is open to all students. The ROTC program is designed to provide students with the knowledge and practical experience in leadership and management that will be useful in any facet of society. Additionally, each student is provided a working knowledge of the organization and function of the Department of Defense and the role of the U. S. Army in national security and world affairs. The ROTC program is divided into two main phases: the Basic Course, which is normally pursued during the freshman and sophomore years, and the Advanced Course, which is taken during the junior, senior or graduate years. Basic Course Description The Military Science Basic Course teaches the organization and roles of the U. S. Army and introduces essential background knowledge of customs and traditions, leadership, map reading, small unit organization, and marksmanship. These courses have the objective of developing the student’s leadership, confidence, self-discipline, integrity, and sense of responsibility. There is no obligation to continue in ROTC as a result of taking any Basic Course classes. Additionally, all students in the Basic Course are required to participate in physical training. Physical training is conducted Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 0630 - 0730 hours. Basic Course Requirements
Basic Military Skills Practicum
- MSCI 2731 - Basic Military Skills Practicum (Basic Camp) (3 Credit Hours) (registration optional)
The Basic Camp Course is offered for those students who have not met the Basic Course requirements and desire to enroll in the Advanced Course program. This course is currently conducted at Fort Knox, Kentucky during the summer. Students may earn three credit hours for attending this course through registration at the Registrar’s Office upon completion of the course and coordination through the Military Science Department. Students attending this camp are paid and given travel allowance from their home to camp and back.
Advanced Course Description
The Military Science Advanced Course is taken during the junior/senior or graduate years. Students learn land navigation, communications, small unit tactics, patrolling, military management, staff operations, logistics, army administration, military law, ethics, and the Army system and culture. Additionally, students must satisfy Professional Military Education (PME) requirements with an approved Military History course. Students must meet eligibility requirements and sign a contract for commissioning with the U.S. Army. The general objective of these courses is to produce junior officers who will be the future officer leadership of the U.S. Army, U.S. Army Reserve, or the Army National Guard. Contracted Advanced Course students are required to attend the Advanced Camp, normally between their junior and senior academic years. This course is mandatory for all students seeking a commission in the U.S. Army but registration for university credit hour is optional. Students attending this camp are paid and given travel allowance from their home to camp and back. Students may earn three credit hours for attending this course through registration at the Registrar’s office upon completion of the course and coordination through the Military Science Department. Advanced Military Skills Practicum
- MSCI 3731 - Advanced Military Skills Practicum (Advanced Camp) (3 Credit Hours) (registration optional - This course is mandatory for all students seeking a commission in the U.S. Army but registration for university credit hour is optional. )
Advanced Camp is the most important training event for an Army ROTC Cadet. The 32-day training event incorporates a wide range of subjects designed to develop and evaluate leadership ability. The challenges are rigorous and demanding, both mentally and physically. Advanced Camp tests intelligence, common sense, ingenuity and stamina. These challenges provide a new perspective on an individual’s ability to perform exacting tasks and to make difficult decisions in demanding situations. This course is mandatory for all students wishing to seek a commission in the U.S. Army but registration is not required. Students may earn three credit hours for attending this course through registration at the Registrar’s Office upon completion of the course and coordination through the Military Science Department. Students attending this camp are paid and given travel allowance from their home to camp and back.
Program Admission Criteria
All students entering the Military Science courses must have a statement from a physician attesting that the student is capable of participating in physical activities. This statement must be no more than one-year old from time of entry. Students in the Basic Course can obtain this medical statement from Health Services on campus. Students interested in earning a commission in the U.S. Army and enrolling in the Advanced Course require a Department of Defense Medical Evaluation Review Board physical, must be an academic junior or higher, have a GPA of 2.0 or better, be a U.S. citizen, have no moral obligations or personal conviction preventing service, satisfactorily explain any record of arrest and/or civil conviction, be a high school graduate or possess an equivalent certificate, pass the Army physical fitness assessment and must demonstrate a potential for further leadership development. Other Program Requirements Professional Military Education (PME) requires students seeking a commission in the U.S. Army to complete 3 credit hours in military history coursework. Military History
1 (See footnote below) Note:
1 The American Military Experience (HIST 2400 ) preferred for a Minor. Program Options, Obligation, Financial Assistance, Scholarships and Books, Uniforms and Supplies
Two Year Program Versus The Four Year Program The ROTC program is designed as a 4-year course of study. However, students who are not eligible for advanced placement and who have not completed the Basic Course program may still become qualified for the advanced program. They must satisfactorily complete Basic Camp, four weeks duration, during the summer between their sophomore and junior years. Students attending this Basic Camp at a regular army post are paid and given a travel allowance from their home to camp and return. Basic Camp Course can count for 3 general credit hours. - Obligation: Once a student is contracted, they will incur an eight year Military Service Obligation (MSO). The Cadet may elect to serve their MSO either on Active Duty, the National Guard or the Army Reserves. Active duty requires a minimum of four years active duty and four years Inactive Ready Reserve (IRR). The National Guard and Reserves require eight years of drill status (one weekend a month/ two weeks a year) for the entire MSO. All Cadets will incur an eight year military service obligation whether they elect to go active duty, Reserve duty or National Guard.
- Financial Assistance: All contracted Cadets are paid a subsistence allowance (Stipend) of $420 per month based on college standing for up to 10 months per year. This is subject to change yearly.
- Scholarship Program: Each year the U.S. Army awards two, three, and four year scholarships to outstanding young men and women contracted in the ROTC program. In most cases, the Army pays either Room & Board or Tuition & Fees. Those students electing Room & Board will receive $5,000 per semester paid directly to the student, while those electing Tuition & Fees will have their money paid directly to the University. Scholarship winners also receive an allowance for books of $1200 per year. Individuals desiring to compete for two and three year scholarships should apply to the Military Science Department (Army ROTC) at Georgia Southern University. Some students who are enrolled in highly technical academic discipline programs and who qualify for Reserve Officers Training Corps scholarship benefits may be required to take an academic course load that will necessitate more than four academic years of study prior to graduation. It is possible to extend the Army Scholarships benefit to cover this additional period. Contact the Georgia Southern University Department of Military Science at (912) 478-0040 for further information.
- Army Reserve Officer Training Corps Uniform, Books, And Supplies: Students enrolling in the Army ROTC program will be issued U.S. Army uniforms, most ROTC required books, and supplies by the Military Science Department. Uniforms and equipment must be returned before commissioning or upon disenrollment from the Reserve Officers Training Corps program.
Advisement Undergraduate Academic Advisement at Georgia Southern is provided to all degree-seeking undergraduate students by professional advisors. Academic Advisors are located on all three Georgia Southern University campuses. Students are required to meet with their assigned Academic Advisor at least once a semester. For more information visit Academic Advisement . |