Total Credit Hours: 124
1 If additional hours are needed to reach 18 hours (based upon entering Foreign Language proficiency levels), students may choose from a select group of courses approved by the Department Chair.
2 May be taken only after successfully completing eighteen (18) credit hours of upper division coursework.
Other Program Requirements
- Students must earn a minimum grade of “C” in all major courses.
Honors in English
To graduate with Honors in English, a student must:
- be admitted to the Honors College;
- successfully complete at least three credit hours of Honors Research Seminar (ENGL 4610 ) over three semesters;
- successfully complete and present an Honors Thesis or Capstone Project;
- be in good standing in the Honors College at the time of graduation.
A strong Department of English is central to a liberal arts education because it helps students to become incisive in their critical thinking, effective as communicators, aware of cultural diversity, and skillful as interpreters of the written and spoken word in all areas of life.
We are committed to academic excellence, innovative instruction, and collaborative service to the community. Literature is the story of us. What better way to engage with those big things in the world around you than to know how those different from you see the same things.
Studying literature provides excellent preparation for professional employment in any area where the close examination of written texts and the ability to communicate well are important. The Department takes pride in working with students to connect their immediate studies with their longterm goals.
A student graduating with a B.A. degree in English will be able to demonstrate the following:
- Recognize and analyze literary elements in a text.
- Situate and interpret texts in their historical, cultural, and literary contexts.
- Create well-developed and organized essays with clear and precise prose, presenting sustained arguments.
Undergraduate Academic Advisement at Georgia Southern is provided to all degree-seeking undergraduate students by professional advisors. Academic Advisors are located on all three Georgia Southern University campuses. Students are required to meet with their assigned Academic Advisor at least once a semester. For more information visit the Academic Advisement catalog page.