2022-2023 Academic Catalog 
    Feb 12, 2025  
2022-2023 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Science and Mathematics

College Structure


In the College of Science and Mathematics, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degrees can be pursued in the following majors: Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, and Sustainability Science. The college also offers an Associate of Science degree with pathways for Criminal Justice and Criminology, Nursing, and STEM programs.  Minors are available in Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Sustainability, Geographic Information Science, Geography, Geology, Mathematics, Military Science, Physics, and Statistics. For students in any major, the Department of Military Science administers the Army ROTC program which leads to a commission as a second lieutenant at the time of graduation. The College also offers a certificate in Actuarial Science and numerous Master of Science programs.

The College also manages the FORAM Sustainable Aquaponics Research Center and the Botanic Garden. The College offers Master of Science programs in Biology, Mathematics, Applied Geography, and Applied Physical Science.


The College of Science and Mathematics and its dedicated faculty will be a national leader in the development of innovative curricula, and in integrating distinguished scholarship with superior undergraduate and graduate education.


The College of Science and Mathematics strives for excellence and innovation in undergraduate and graduate research, teaching practices, and service to our community. With an emphasis on high-impact educational practices, our highly-respected faculty foster learning in the classroom and beyond by promoting student engagement and offering cutting-edge research opportunities to students. Our degree programs prepare students to apply scientific discoveries which inform education, health, natural resource protection, and economic development. By combining state-of-the-art research labs and teaching spaces with numerous regional, national, and global collaborations, the College of Science and Mathematics is a leader in producing graduates to meet tomorrow’s challenges.

Visit us at our website at cosm.georgiasouthern.edu.



Science and mathematics majors are assisted by professional advisors specifically-trained on the progression requirements for College of Science and Mathematics programs. Students must meet with their academic advisor at least once each semester to discuss major requirements, course selection, registration, personal goals and other student concerns. The College also provides specialized advisors who will guide and assist students who seek to pursue a medical professions program of study such as Pre-Medicine, Pre-Dental Medicine, Pre-Veterinary Medicine, Pre-Pharmacy, Pre-Physician Assistant (PA), or Pre-Optometry. While advisors provide information and guidance, final responsibility for completion of all degree requirements, including those for pre-professional programs, rests with the student.

Students with questions regarding advisement may contact the College of Science and Mathematics advising using the information provided below:



Student Success Center (Armstrong Campus)
11935 Abercorn Street
(912) 344-2570

CoSM Advisement Center (Statesboro Campus)
Engineering Building
Room 1116
PO Box 8044-01
(912) 478-0649


Graduate students are advised by their program. Graduate students should reach out to their graduate program director for information regarding the structures in place to facilitate advisement. For more information visit Graduate Academic Advisement .

Graduate students can also contact the Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies for more information about their program director.
Phone: 912-478-COGS (2647)
Email: gradschool@georgiasouthern.edu


Dean: Will Lynch, interim
2141 Engineering Building
P. O. Box 8044
Phone (912) 478-5111 (Statesboro Campus)
Science Center 1505
Phone (912) 344-2964 (Armstrong Campus)

Karelle Aiken
Assistant Dean for Inclusive Excellence and Faculty Development
2141 Engineering Building (Statesboro)
P. O. Box 8044
Phone (912) 478-5111

Brent Feske
Associate Dean of Research and External Affairs
Science Center, Room 1505 (Armstrong)
Phone (912) 344-3210

Brian P. Koehler
Associate Dean of Curriculum and Student Success
and Director of Student Success
2141 Engineering Building (Statesboro)
P. O. Box 8044
Phone (912) 478-5111