Mar 13, 2025
2022-2023 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Human Development and Family Science - Concentration in Birth-Kindergarten (Certification Track), B.S.
Degree Requirements: 124 Credit Hours
During the admission process, students interested in obtaining an initial teacher certification in the area of Birth Through Kindergarten must first declare a major in Child and Family Development with a concentration in Birth-Kindergarten Teacher Education (Non-Certification). At the completion of all course work through Area F in the program of study, students would then apply to the Teacher Education Program (see requirements for admission into the Teacher Education Program). If accepted to the Teacher Education Program, the student would continue coursework and clinical experiences within the Birth-Kindergarten Teacher Education (Certification Track). If students are not accepted into the Teacher Education Program or, if after admission, students do not maintain qualifications to remain in the Teacher Education Program (see requirements to remain in Teacher Education Program), students will complete the remainder of the program requirements for the Birth Through Kindergarten Non-Certification track. General Requirements (Core A-E) Credit Hours: 42
Additional Requirements Credit Hours: 4
Area F Courses Appropriate to Major Credit Hours: 18
Other Courses for the Major
Major Requirements Credit Hours: 60
Total Credit Hours: 124
Other Program Requirements - Must meet all requirements for retention in the Teacher Education Program and qualify for a Georgia Preservice Certificate
- Must earn a minimum grade of “C” in all courses in Area F of the Core, the teaching field, and professional education; earn an adjusted GPA of 2.75 or higher in the teaching field; and maintain an overall cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher
- Must successfully complete all field experiences
- Must take courses sequentially according to Area
- Courses in Area F must be taken prior to admission into the Teacher Education Program • Must meet requirements for admission to Student Teaching/Internship II
- Must successfully complete assessments identified at each program transition point
- Students must earn a “B” or higher in HDFS 3234 Young Children with Special Needs
Advisement Undergraduate Academic Advisement at Georgia Southern is provided to all degree-seeking undergraduate students by professional advisors. Academic Advisors are located on all three Georgia Southern University campuses. Students are required to meet with their assigned Academic Advisor at least once a semester. For more information visit Academic Advisement . |