Total Credit Hours: 36
Comprehensive Exam
1 All students in the M.S. in Kinesiology - Exercise Science (ES) program non-thesis track must successfully complete the Comprehensive Exam. This includes any ES student that switches from the thesis track to the non-thesis track. The M.S. in Kinesiology - Exercise Science Program Coordinator will initiate a Comprehensive Exam after verifying that the student: is enrolled in the non-thesis track of the ES program, and has earned a minimum of a C in KINS 6130 , KINS 6131 , KINS 7230 , KINS 7231 and KINS 7235 , and has at least a 3.0 GPA in the program, and is making satisfactory progress in current coursework, and is within 6 months of anticipated graduation. The Program Coordinator will work with one to three other faculty members in the ES program to develop questions that integrate content from the KINS 6130 , KINS 6131 , KINS 7230 , KINS 7231 , KINS 7235 and ES electives courses.
The Comprehensive Exam must be administered no less than one month before the end of the semester. The Program Coordinator will work with the student to schedule the specific date of her/his Exam. The student will have no less than three hours, but no more than eight hours, to complete the Comprehensive Exam. The Program Coordinator will work with the contributing faculty members to determine the results of the Comprehensive Exam. The Coordinator will meet with the student to discuss the results with her/him. If the student fails the Comprehensive Exam,they will be given only one opportunity to retake the same or similar Exam. The repeat Exam must be completed within three weeks of the first attempt. If the student does not perform satisfactorily on the second attempt, they will be withdrawn from the M.S. in Kinesiology - Exercise Science program.
Graduate students are advised by their program. Graduate students should reach out to their graduate program director for information regarding the structures in place to facilitate advisement. For more information visit Graduate Academic Advisement .
Graduate students can also contact the Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies for more information about their program director.
Phone: 912-478-COGS (2647)