2022-2023 Academic Catalog 
    Mar 13, 2025  
2022-2023 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Mechanical Engineering, B.S.M.E.

Degree Requirements: 130 Credit Hours

See Core Curriculum  for required courses in Area A1 through Area E.

General Requirements (Core Areas A-E) Credit Hours: 42

1 (See footnote below)

Additional Requirements Credit Hours: 4

ME Technical Electives Credit Hours: 6

Free Elective Credit Hours: 3

  • Select 3 credit hours of Free Electives

Total Credit Hours: 130

1 MATH 2242 Calculus II  and PHYS 2211 Principles of Physics I are recommended in Area D.

2 While Calculus I (MATH 1441 ) is 4 credit hours, only 3 credit hours will count toward fulfilling Area A2. The remaining credit hour will be applied toward Specific Requirements.

3 College credits can be given for high school pre-engineering program Project Lead The Way’s (PLTW’s) Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) course as a possible substitution for Engineering Graphics (ENGR 1133 ), if the following three conditions are satisfied:

  • student scores 80% or above overall in the course and
  • an approval of the PLTW affiliate director faculty member at Georgia Southern.
  • student scores 70% or above on a Georgia Southern administered competency exam.

Other Program Requirements

  • At least 30 credit hours of approved Engineering courses must be taken at Georgia Southern.
  • The listed courses are recommended in Area D
  • Proficiency examinations will not be accepted in the substitution for any upper-division or laboratory-based courses.

Honors In Mechanical Engineering

1 (See footnote below)

To graduate with Honors in Mechanical Engineering a student should:

  • Be admitted to the Honors College2
  • Complete at least 6 credit hours of honors credit in 2000+ ENGR or MENG courses beyond the honors core requirements
  • Complete Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Research and Projects (MENG 5811 ) and Research Project in Mechanical Engineering (MENG 5822 ) or an equivalent research course such as MENG 5891  (taking both Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Research and Projects (MENG 5811 ) and Research Project in Mechanical Engineering (MENG 5822 ) or three credits of MENG 5891  can substitute for one Mechanical Engineering Technical Elective)
  • Successfully complete and present an Honors Thesis or Capstone Project
  • Be in good standing in the Honors College at the time of graduation.

Total Credit Hours: 43

1 Students completing Honors in Mechanical Engineering are strongly encouraged to select honors courses such as ENGR 1121 ENGR 1133 ENGR 1731 ENGR 2112 ENGR 2231 ENGR 3233 ENGR 3431 , MATH 1441 , Calculus II (MATH 2242 ), Principles of Physics I (PHYS 2211K ), and Principles of Physics II (PHYS 2212K ).

2 For students entering the Honors College as a freshman and seeking to complete the Departmental Honors in Mechanical Engineering, it is highly recommended that these freshmen complete MATH 1441 .

Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s (ABM) Degree

This 4+1 Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree Program is intended for current undergraduate students in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Southern University. It will produce a pathway to potentially earn both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree within five years.

Students accepted into the accelerated program will be allowed to take up to 9 credits at the 5000G level and within the degree program while in their senior year that will count toward the MSME. There must be at least 150 unique hours between the two programs. All additional degree requirements for both the B.S. degree and the M.S. degree are required to be met.

Admission Requirements


For regular admission to the Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree of Science in Mechanical Engineering (ABM-MSME) degree program, the applicant must:

  1. Be enrolled in the undergraduate mechanical engineering program (B.S.M.E) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Southern University.
  2. Have completed no less than 25 and no more than 50 credits of ENGR and MENG course.
  3. Must have a 3.0 or better Georgia Southern Institutional GPA.


A student may be granted provisional admission based upon the recommendation of the Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Graduate Coordinator or Department Chair.

Degree Requirements: (Thesis and Non- Thesis)

  1. A student in the ABM program will be allowed to use up to 9 credits MENG 5000G level courses offered within the Mechanical Engineering program in meeting the requirements of both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree.
  2. The 9 credit hours that will be applied to both the bachelor’s and master’s degrees include: MENG 5811G MENG 5822G , and two MENG 5000G level courses approved by each student’s research advisor and the Chair of the Mechanical Engineering Department.
  3. Maintain a cumulative graduate GPA of 3.0 (grade of “B” or better) in their graduate degree course work (including the 9 credits of graduate course work shared with the undergraduate degree)
  4. Meet all requirements for both the B.S.M.E. and M.S.M.E. degrees.


Undergraduate Academic Advisement at Georgia Southern is provided to all degree-seeking undergraduate students by professional advisors. Academic Advisors are located on all three Georgia Southern University campuses. Students are required to meet with their assigned Academic Advisor at least once a semester. For more information visit Academic Advisement .

Mechanical Engineering B.S.M.E. (with Emphasis in Metals Casting)

Degree Requirements: 130 Credit Hours

See Core Curriculum for required courses in Area A1 through Area E.

General Requirements (Core Areas A-E) Credit Hours: 42

1 (see footnote below)

Additional Requirements Credit Hours: 4

Total Credit Hours: 130

MATH 2242 Calculus II  and PHYS 2211K Principles of Physics I  are recommended in Area D.

While Calculus I (MATH 1441  ) is 4 credit hours, only 3 credit hours will count toward fulfilling Area A2. The remaining credit hour will be applied toward Specific Requirements.

College credits can be given for high school pre-engineering program Project Lead The Way’s (PLTW’s) Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) course as a possible substitution for Engineering Graphics (ENGR 1133  ), if the following three conditions are satisfied:

  • student scores 80% or above overall in the course and
  • an approval of the PLTW affiliate director faculty member at Georgia Southern.
  • ​student scores 70% or above on a Georgia Southern administered competency exam.

Mechanical Engineering B.S.M.E. (with Emphasis in Vehicle Design and Testing)

Degree Requirements: 130 Credit Hours

See Core Curriculum for required courses in Area A1 through Area E.

General Requirements (Core Areas A-E) Credit Hours: 42

Vehicle Design and Testing Emphasis Electives

Select 6 credits of 5000-level elective courses from the following list:

Total Credit Hours: 130

1 MATH 2242 Calculus II  and PHYS 2211K Principles of Physics I  are recommended in Area D.

2 While Calculus I (MATH 1441  ) is 4 credit hours, only 3 credit hours will count toward fulfilling Area A2. The remaining credit hour will be applied toward Specific Requirements. 

College credits can be given for high school pre-engineering program Project Lead The Way’s (PLTW’s) Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) course as a possible substitution for Engineering Graphics (ENGR 1133  ), if the following three conditions are satisfied:

  • student scores 80% or above overall in the course and
  • an approval of the PLTW affiliate director faculty member at Georgia Southern.
  • ​student scores 70% or above on a Georgia Southern administered competency exam.